Premiums paid towards these insurance plans buy you protection.
What’s more – you can also get tax benefits on the maturity amount/returns from
insurance plans. For employees Jan-Feb is season of submitting income tax
proof. Many people buy insurance policy,
in a hurry, to save tax and submit the proof to employer. Buying an insurance
policy is a long time commitment, similar to marriage. So It is advisable to
understand all aspects of claiming tax benefit in buying insurance policy. Let us examine these aspects in detail as per
current income tax laws.
What is tax
benefit available for insurance policy?
Any amount paid to an insurer to buy or to keep a life
insurance policy in force can be claimed as a deduction from gross total income
by the policy holder. So premium paid for a life insurance policy can be
deducted from gross total income before arriving at taxable income subject to
certain conditions.
Life insurance plans are eligible for Best Tax Saving Plan deduction
under Sec. 80C. Deduction benefit up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C. Section 80C relates to deduction allowed
under investments in instruments like PPF, insurance and pension policies.
Pension plans are eligible for a tax deduction under Sec.
80CCC. Deduction benefit up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80CCC.
Health insurance plans/riders are eligible for tax deduction
under Sec. 80D. You can get a tax deduction of maximum Rs 25,000 on the health
insurance premium for self and family. If you are a senior citizen, you can
claim tax deduction on the premium of up to Rs 30,000.
Combined Limit of deduction under Sec 80C & 80CCC &
80 CCD is Rs 1, 50,000.
The proceeds or withdrawals of our life insurance policies
are exempt under Sec 10(10D), subject to norms prescribed in that section.
Who can get the tax benefit on premium paid for a life
insurance policy?
On whose name should the life insurance policy be to claim the
tax benefit?
An individual can only claim tax benefit under Section 80C of
the Income tax Act, 1961, on life insurance policy(s) bought in the name of
self, spouse or children. You can buy a life insurance policy for any number of
your children irrespective of whether they are minor, major, married, unmarried
or adopted. A policy taken in the name of any other person won’t be eligible
for any tax benefits. So life insurance premium paid by you for your parents
(father / mother / both) Brother, Sisters or your in-laws is not eligible for
deduction under section 80C.
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